Chapter One~394

Maxine: Mom, please. Please tell me what’s wrong with me. Tell me how much time I’ve lost. No one will tell me exactly how long I’ve been- I’ve-

Teresa: Oh Maxine. This is so difficult. 

Maxine upset: I’m not seventeen.

Teresa: No, my darling. You’re not seventeen.

Maxine fearful: How- how old am I? Who am I?

Teresa: You’re Max, you’re my sweet beautiful precious Max. It doesn’t matter what you can or can’t remember. You’re MY Maxine.

Maxine: I’m trying so hard to remember anything at all and I can’t. I just CAN’T. 

Teresa: What was the last thing you remember?

Maxine: The Wind Island Fair. I was there and I was a part of the kissing booth.  Ingrid won second prize in the bake-off! And Ava was so mad at Manny, she didn’t want to talk to him even though they were supposed to-

Maxine stops. Manny and Ava’s elopement was a secret. Her own pregnancy was a secret. But they were secrets for seventeen-year-old Max. Where they still secrets now?

Teresa gives her daughter a sad smile and answers as if she had read Maxine’s mind.

Teresa: Manny and Ava eloped. They’re still married. And Ingrid won second prize in the bakeoff- Reggie won first prize, I remember. They’re engaged now. They have their own bakery on the island.

Maxine: They’re engaged…she always loved him…

Teresa: Maxine, you’re 22. Almost 23. And my darling…so much has happened since you were 17…at the county fair…so much…

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